XAX's Regular applicationSteam: 0xax0
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:27216762
In-Game Name: XAX
Time online: On weekends and holidays, i pretty much live on the computer. In the week, not so much.
Servers: TTT, Flood mod, Zombie Survival(sometimes), And the 2 build servers if there are people on them at the time.
Age: 14
Birthday: 16-12-1996
Games: Valve complete pack + Gmod
Location: Timaru, New Zealand
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular: Back about a year ago, i was part of RND, i applied for "respected" etc. im pretty sure my account name was "roflcockter" or some crap like that. I played largely on flood mod and TTT. Just recently ive got back into gmod, and i wanted to join back into my favorite gmod community

If anyone actually remembers me id be amazed.
Contributions to RND: I cant code or map or anything, so nothing really
If you want to contact me for anything, either add me on Steam or use any of the following: Skype: o0xax0o
>Thanks for reading my regular app, and thanks to Don for the awesome template<