Shawn's Administrator Application
Hello and Welcome to my Admin application! Thanks for talking the time to read this
General Information
Name: Shawn
IGN: Shawn
Location: Ottawa, ON, Canada
Time Zone: EST (Eastern Standard Time) -0500 UTC
DoB: 28/02/1989
Joined RND: May 02, 2010
Servers I Play On
- Fretta
- TTT (Trouble in Terrorist Town)
- ZS (Zombie Survival)
- Rotation
I mostly play Deathrun (fretta) but you can find me on TTT quite often. I use to always be on ZS but as stated above I'm on Deathrun now (new passion) but i do still ZS the odd time here and there. As for the Rotation server i usually play it when new games come out for it, not so much at the moment due to the fact the current game mode got boring for me Lol.
I currently don't have any training in being a Gmod Admin, which is why I'd love to try this out to get some skill. I do however have training in being a general Admin from previous Jobs/opportunities which include hosting/running my own website/forum. Was a Runescape PM (Player Mod) a Mod/Admin On Habbo Hotel (tehhotel) No long online. So it would be nice to be able to mark off Gmod Admin on my list of qualifications.
Why I think I'll make a good Admin
I think I'll make a good Admin because I'm patient when dealing with others (IE: explain to someone how to play the game/explaining the rules). I like to make sure people are having fun in what they are doing and try to make it funner if i can. I've been respected/VIP for quite some time now and never had any sort of abuse report on me, and as far as i know not a single complaint for that matter. I've never been a ban happy person I always give a warning first followed by a kick if the warning didn't stop the trouble maker. In other words i only use banning as a last resort.
These are a basic guideline on how I'll hand some situations since there is always multiple sides to a story.
1. Person is mic spamming.
Person: yo someone kick this loser
Me: Just mute him.
Person: how?
Me: esc > Player List > select persons name > Click mute.
2. Person minging (as in pissing everyone off in the server)
I'd warn him to stop being a Minge.
After the third time and he still doesn't listen issue a kick.
If he comes back after 5 minutes and continues to do it, Warn him once more. issue a ban if he still doesn't stop
3. Hacker.
Tell them to stop
Doesn't listen kick/ban
Once again thanks for reading my application.
If you require any other information please feel free to ask.
Hell to the yes