1. STEAM_0:0:18270208 01:31
2. Flooganbargan
4. wirebuild
5. Me, the earthling named codedkitty, and conmana Were hanging out in the wire build server, something was done to provoke death, so he spawned "his cannon" and started firing at us, and at one point he said he was going to crash the server, and it eventually did, multiple times, then after he invited moo, moo phys gunned me, and then put me in something called a lag box, which didn't really lag me, but instead lagged the entire server, (everyones' pings were at 200+) ...then I got banned.
6. wrongfully banned, Death crashed the server, not me, I was just playing around with autotune pretending i was from the future and shit. Death rages very easily, by the way.
7. nil
http://sourcebans.randomgs.com/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=STEAM_0:0:18270208&SubmitI was also banned with the reason "a", what the hell?