.--:'SabbathFreak's Appeal to Demotion':--.
Well I finally decided it's time for me to make an appeal and submit another VIP app.
I finally decided to make my appeal because of the large number of minges on TTT all the time, and I rather not have to call other VIPs or admins in to help.
Summary of Demotion
I was originally demoted a while ago for abusing VIP and taking advantage of the SourceBans system when it was down. I have realized my mistake, and do not plan on making another poor decision with rank again.
I take full responsibility for what I did, it was my wrong-doing and I believe I have had my suitable punishment.
More information on the original demotion here:
http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,2247.0.htmlSteam ID: STEAM_0:0:32011794
My Apologies
I hope everyone can forgive me for the previous event, and will be willing to give me another chance to apply and hopefully become VIP again.
Thank you.