Name: Daniel Anthony frajnkovic
Online name: echo_phyber01
Steam name: daniel01119
Games on steam:all (pingazed steam)
Servers I play on: wirebuild and fret mostly but il go on another server if it requires mento do so.
Reasons I want to be VIP:
I think I would be of great service to the servers as I am on almost all the time even when no other admins/VIPs are on.
I would also like to have some control over the minces that come into wirebuild all the time. They always come when there's no VIPs on.
I am a very placid person and I won't kick for no reason.
I will always give the person 2 or 3 chances and give them a chance to explain themselves.
Ok I think now is the part I get to tell you how o deal with things:
2-3 warning and explain themselves
Continued mingling= te kick
Ghosting: 2-3 wArning then kick
Continued Ghosting = ban
Mic spam= mute
Ok thanks for taking the time to read and review mah application.
Your friend and Gmod neighbor: echo
And ps sorry for the no colour I made this on my iPod lol.
pps gmod not working im still trying to get it up and running.