Well, I never thought I'd stop here, so There we go:
1.Player SteamID (STEAM_0:1:32275652 );
2. Player Nickname (César);
3. In-game name (César);
4. Server (Wirebuild);
5. It all started on Sunday when I decided to play with Stacker tool. I put up to spawn, causing a cascade of props. Just when I finished these spawns, I just deleted. He was careful not to crash the server, but it was too late, I was banned. Yomo was joking with me, they can ask for it, he knew I was not trying to crash the server. Yesterday I came to play and appeared to me JBanned. I did not do badly by that time...
6. Well, I wanted my VIP status because I have always respected players. Never tried to break the server. I do not want to be JBanned.
7. Do not know if you need that image, but:

8. Link (