This use to be a very popular fun game but after Left 4 Dead 1 was released it died and they're hardly any players but I'm attempting to get more players to play it! It's only $10 on steam and is worth buying! Before it was a standalone game it was a mod for Half Life 1. The game is similar in a few ways to TTT
The game is set on a 1920s recreational cruise ship. Each player is assigned a quarry, and the object is to murder him or her with nobody watching, while at the same time watching out for, and defending yourself against, your own hunter.
Typically when you buy the game you get three games, The Ship Multiplayer, Single Player, and a tutorial.
A mysterious man named Mr. X has handed out free tickets for his luxury cruise. Little did the passengers know, they were falling into his devious trap. All the passengers are required to track down and murder another passenger. If a passenger chooses not to do so, Mr. X will kill both the passengers and his or her family.There are many different gamemodes, two of the most popular ones are Deathmatch (which is obvious) and Hunt, Hunt goes like this.
Each player is given a nickname by which they are identified. This is done to make it more difficult to tell players apart from NPCs, who have similar names and look the same as normal players. Each player is assigned a quarry, whom he or she must murder. The last known location of a player's quarry is always revealed to the player. However, the appearance of the quarry is only revealed if the player converses with the quarry.
This is a funny trailer I found
The Ship - Elevator Trailergameplay sample
The Ship - Batavier Murder Party this is my favorite map to

Please purchase this game for christmas, It costs $19 but I believe I purchased the disk version at Target for $9.99, the $19.00 version comes with both the Single Player and Multiplayer version of the game, but the $9.99 one only includes the Singleplayer version (which is fun but not as fun as multiplayer!)
I highly recommend this game to anyone! And if you buy it I highly.
Strangely though there are not many players there are still alot of servers up (dont be fooled by the amount of players, most of the players are bots called Shipmates (they are really michevious AI) they act stupid but then they turn deadly.
Here is the steam page for the game try this game! This was the first game I ever got on steam, without it I would have never had the luck of meeting all of you!