So I have made my third forum account now and am typing what I'm fairly certain is my first post ever. I'm also quite painfully aware that most of the regs on the servers (and even some VIP's) have absolutely no idea who I am or how I got teh admins powah and don't believe me when I tell them I've been on RND since the days of flatgrass when it was just Coolz, me and occasionally a few others.
However I am glad to announce now that I finally have daily access to a beautiful compy (mmmmm mac book pro mmmm), as well as taking a semester off of college to more or less have an internship, I plan on being on teh servers more regularly to bother all of you with rants of how back in my day making an elevator was impressive (they were so cash). I also intend to do this forum crap that is all the rage or something.
Also grandpa Orgazmo says e2 is gehy back in my day we had to code with gates, in the snow, on flat grass