Which is exactly the same as MadWorld.
No shit, of course it will have 'better graphics'. MadWorld came out on the Wii in 2008. It's almost 2011, and it's being made for the 360.
It obviously is going to be a rip of MadWorld, with more things added. I don't doubt Epic at all, it's just I feel they should be a bit more open to where they get their 'creativity' from. It might not necessarily be from this one, but they look identical.
You are an absolute moron if you think that just because two games share their core concept, one is going to be a rip of the first one.
Dawn of War 2 and StarCraft II use the exact same core concept, yet none is a rip of the other one.
Garry's Mod and Minecraft use the same base concept, yet none of them is a rip of the other one.
Going with your logit, Minecraft is a rip of Garry's Mod and StarCraft is a rip of the Dawn of War Universe.
No core concept whatsoever is new in any way and has been used in both games and movies. Do you really believe MadWorld was the first game that gives you points for killing enemies as creative as possible? In Super Mario Bros., you get points for continously jumping on koopas too, so according to you, MadWorld is a complete rip of Super Mario Bros.