I got a help signal from flood today, so i went there to kick an proppusher....
Here is a condump (the empty spaces you see are errors i removed ....
(Guest) Ryan!: I'm with •§hëëpš_Åhôlÿ•.
(Guest) Ryan!: Help!
(Guest) Ryan!: Help!
(Guest) Ryan!: I'm with •§hëëpš_Åhôlÿ•.
(Respected) memo3300: i allredy went 1
(Respected) Rηà |Master GT: ryan u still alive
(Respected) memo330 YEAH
(Respected) Rηà |Master GT: k
[Flood]¤©háös¤™: can a respected plz come amnd ban a prop pusher
||||| Connecting ( Rηà |Master GT ) to.. Flood - ( random.dontexist.com:27024 )
Connecting to random.dontexist.com:27024...
Connected to
Map: fm_rnd_v2
Players: 4 / 17
Build: 4274
Server Number: 1
No pure server whitelist. sv_pure = 0
Decompressing data pack into virtual..
Data pack loaded: 393 files. (0.413s)
Lua initialized (Lua 5.1)
Simple Prop Protection Version 1.51 by Spacetech has loaded
-NPC Control-
Main Content Loaded
Episode 2 Content Loaded!
Couldn't include file 'autorun\client\cl_weather.lua' (File not found)
--------------Weather Loaded Clientside--------------
======== Installing Table (De)Serialiser Module | ver: 1.4 =======
lua\includes\extensions\string.lua:33: bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got nil)
======== Beam NetVars Lib v0.71 Installed ========
--- Missing Vgui material ignore_this_error
loading materials
loading material: cable/rope_icon
loading material: cable/cable2
loading material: cable/xbeam
loading material: cable/redlaser
loading material: cable/blue_elec
loading material: cable/physbeam
loading material: cable/hydra
loading material: arrowire/arrowire
loading material: arrowire/arrowire2
== Loading Wire Model Packs ===
Loaded: PHXWireModels.txt
Loaded: default.txt
Loaded: expression2.txt
Loaded: cheeze_buttons2.txt
Loaded: wire_model_pack_1.txt
Loaded: wire_model_pack_1plus.txt
Adding Cheeze's Buttons Pack
Adding various Buttons from HL2 and Portal
Jaanus' Thruster Pack
Beer's Model pack
[ Mounting DepthHUD Inline ... ]
DepthHUD Inline >> Unmounting Theme [DepthHUD Classic].
DepthHUD Inline >> Mounting Theme "DepthHUD Classic" :
[ DepthHUD Inline is now mounted. ]
--- Missing Vgi material depthhudX_RadarRT
Beacon registered :
[all_npc] [autoffset] [expression2] [player_lof] [projectiles] [props] [reveal] [vehicle] [znorth]
ERROR! Module 'zlib_b64' not found!
==== Advanced Duplicator v.1.72 shared module installed! ====
==== Advanced Duplicator v.1.741 client module installed! ====
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'base'
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'base'
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'base'
Registering gamemode 'sandbox' derived from 'bae'
Registering gamemode 'Flood' derived from 'sandbox'
WARNING: Could not find PresetSounds.txt!
-NPC Control-
Main Content Loaded
Episode 2 Content Loaded!
-NPC Control-
Main Content Loaded
Episode 2 Content Loaded!
-NPC Control-
Main Content Loaded
Episode 2 Content Loaded!
Loading Wire Tools
--- Missing Vgui material texturemissing
lua\weapons\smod_leg\shared.lua:178: '<eof>' expected near 'end'
lua\entities\mario_sent_atomic_bomb\shared.lua6: unfinished string near '"RayFanMan(RayFan9876)'
Folder = entities/mario_sent_atomic_bomb
AdminSpawnable = true
Spawnable = false
Couldn't register Scripted Entity mario_sent_atomic_bomb - the Type field is empty!
lua\entities\mk-82-fragile_sent_atomic_bomb\shared.lua:6: unfinished string near '"RayFanMan(RayFan9876)'
Folder = entities/mk-82-fragile_sent_atomic_bomb
AdminSpawnable = true
Spawnable = false
Couldn't register Scripted Entity mk-82-fragile_sent_atomic_bomb - the Type field is empty!
lua\effets\outbeam\init.lua:5: attempt to index local 'mat' (a number value)
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_cleardecals.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_exformat.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_explode.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_kill.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_map.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_maprotation.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_noclip.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_notice.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_pickupplayers.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_rocket.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_slap.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ss_teleport.lua
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_voicemute.lua
AssVote Init
ASS Plugin -> plugins/ass_vote.lua
ERROR: Trying to derive entity gate_nuke_rings from non existant entity base_point!
ERROR: Trying to derive entity sent_rg_bullet from non existant entity base_point!
ERROR: Trying to derive entity sent_nuke_radiation from non existant entity base_point!
Sending 1252 'User Info' ConVars to server (cl_spewuserinfoconvars to see)
RunConsoleCommand blocked - sent before player spawned (ZLib_Installed)
Redonloading all lightmaps
RunConsoleCommand blocked - sent before player spawned (ZLib_Installed)
Player Herojith has joined the game
Herojith (Country: India) connected.
(Guest) Cu<F>on: build your
(Guest) ¤©háös¤™: rnd plz kick cufon
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\dist_birds1.wav"robably missing from disk/repository
(Respected) Rηà |Master GT: ok whos proppushing
(Guest) ¤©háös¤™: he keeps on prop pushing
(Guest) Herojith: HEY
(Guest) Cu<F>on: i ownerDoomSpy ps have been cleaned up
(Guest) ¤©háös¤™: he keeps prop pushing me
(Guest) Cu<F>on:ating
(Guest) ¤©háös¤™: he keeps prop pushing me
[SolidVote] Rηà |Master GT initiated vote 'Kick player Cu<F>on?'
[SolidVote] Reason: Proppushing / Minging
[SolidVote] Rηà |Master GT voted yes.
[SolidVote] Cu<F>on voted no.
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\dist_birds1.wav", filissing from disk/repository
Profile saved!
[SolidVote] ¤©háös¤™ voted yes.
[SolidVote] [MoD]-^0xplatinum^7- voted no.
(Guest) ¤©háös¤™: F11
(Guest) Cu<F>on: for pirating
[SolidVote] Herojith voted yes.
Cu<F>on's props have been cleaned up(Guest) ¤©háös¤™: F11
(Guest) ¤©háöspwnt
(Guest) Cu<F>on: noobs(Guest) ¤©háös¤™: ty master
Player Bloo has joined the game
Bloo (Country: Turkey) connected.
Player Bloo has joined the game
Bloo (Country: Turkey) connected.
hostname: .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. -Flood|Tick66|Fast DL-
version : 4274 secure
udp/ip :
map : fm_rnd_v2 at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
players : 6 (17 max)
# userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state
# 12 "Cu<F>on" STEAM_0:1:25754474 08:00 315 0 active# 14 "[MoD]-^0xplatinum^7-" STEAM_0:0:26928792 02:29 245 0 active
# 9 "¤©háös¤™" STEAM_0:0:34278715 16:55 167 0 active
# 15 "Rηà |Master GT" STEAM_0:0:29809033 02:20 235 0 active
# 16 "Herojith" STEAM_0:0:22183236 01active
# 18 "Bloo" STEAM_0:0:31769016 00:01 193 42 spawning
(Guest) ¤©háös¤™: bye bye cufon
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\dist_birds1.wav", file probably missing from disk/re
[SolidVote] Only one vote can be started every 120 seconds!FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU(Respected) Rηà |Master GT: he cant get banned
(Guest) Bloo: hi
(Guest) ¤©háös¤™: ok
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forirds1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
(Respected) Rηà |Master GT: reported for hacking
(Guest) Bloo: who cant get ban?
(Guest) ¤©háös¤™: whos hacking/
Failed to load sound\levels\forest\dist_birds1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
(Guest) Bloo: who get ban?
(Respected) Rηà |Master GT: Cu<F>on:
(Guest) Herojith: NOO
(Guest) Herojith: PLZ
(Guest) Âös¤™: cufon is hacking :O?
(Guest) Bloo: hmm
(Respected) Rηà |Master GT: yes
(Guest) Bloo: he is not a bad person
(Guest) ¤©háös¤™: i didnt know
(Respected) Rηà |Master GT: im unable to ban
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\dist_birds1.wav", file probably missing from disk/d to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\dist_birds1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
(Guest) ¤©háös¤™: hes not kicked yet lol
(Respected) Rηà |Master GT: i will try a second method
(Guest) ¤©háös¤™: if we just kicked him
(Guest) Bloo: i never thing he get ban :/
ProfilHerojith: can i join ur boat ?
(Guest) Bloo: i got 2 ban
(Guest) ¤©háös¤™: yo
(Respected) Rηà |Master GT: he should get kicked inmediatly
(Guest) ¤©háös¤™: on my bud list itsays he offline
(Guest) Bloo: from hacking :O
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\dist_birds6.wav", fing from disk/repository
(Guest) Bloo: XD
(Respected) Rηà |Master GT: rly?
(Guest) Bloo: i got 2 ban
(Guest) ¤©háös¤™: yeah
(Guest) Bloo: realy
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forests1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
(Guest) ¤©háös¤™: says last offline 2 hours ago
(Guest) Bloo: wall push XDD
(Respected) Rηà |Master GT: hes still her
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
Player Anony Mouse has joined the game
(Guest) ¤©
Anony Mouse (Country: IDK) connected.
(Respected) Rηà |Master GT: i see him oving
(Respected) Rηà |Master GT: moving
(Guest) ¤©háös¤™: same
(Respected) Rηà |Master GT: i just need tute
(Guest) ¤©háös¤™: try kicking hi magain i n2 minutes
(Guest) Bloo: i want a boat XD
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\dist_birds1.wav", file probably missing from disk/reposiest) Bloo: i kicked 1 hour and 5 min
(Guest) Bloo: banned*
] dhradar_menu
(Guest) Bloo: and i escaped from 1 ban XD
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\dist_birds1.wav", file probably mising from disk/repository
Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. -Flood|Tick66|Fast DL- !
To view rules and/or a list of our servers and affiliates, type !rulez in chat!
(Guest) Bloo: lol cookie
Profile saved!
[SolidVote] Rηà |Master GT initiated vote 'Ban player Cu<F>on for 60 minutes?'
[Solide] Reason: Cu<F>on Unable to kick (hack)
(Guest) ¤©háös¤™: all go on my boat
[SolidVote] Rηà |Master GT voted yes.
[SolidVote] Herojith voted yes.
[SolidVote] Cu<F>on voted no.
[SolidVote] ¤©háös¤™ voted yes.
[SolidVote] [MoD]-^0xplatinum^7- voted no.
Failed to load sound "ambient\l_birds1.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
(Guest) Cu<F>on: noobs
(Guest) Bloo: hmmm
(Respected) Rηà |Master GT: F11
(Guest) Bloo: its my choise
(Guest) Herojith: F11
[SolidVote] Bloo voted yes.
(Guest) Herojith: FOR VICTORY
(Guest) Bloo: XD
Cu<F>on's props have been cleaned up
(Guest) Cu<F>on: nnobs(Respected) Rηà |Master GT: nope
(Guest) Bloo: he not :O
(Guest) Bloo: he is hacking :O
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\forest\dist_birds6.wav", file proby missing from disk/repository
(Respected) Rηà |Master GT: reporting, sorry theres nothing i can do anymore
(Guest) Bloo: we need to do somethin
] condump
as you see i was unable to kick or ban this player, claming he is the owner....
i dont know if the system was down, but i just thought you guys should know...
Server: flood
Reason reported: unable to kick/ban
steam ID # 12 "Cu<F>on" STEAM_0:1:25754474 08:00 315 0 active
-master GT