4.Trouble in terrorist town
5.About 4 people were mic spamming so no one could hear, well Pilot not knowing how to mute decides he's gonna votekick Mr. Don evidence of this can be seen here and the vote followed through.

Well after that I did not think that Pilot should get away with being a respectard i decided to talk about how he shouldn't of kicked Don and was flamed by pretty much everyone in the server and after i killed Pilot for acting suspicious (he was traitor) i was kicked from the server as you see in this picture

Reason:Mass RDM? one person isn't mass RDM, he doesn't even know how to count?
So I was kicked but Pilot didn't want to stop their so he decided to kick qwertyz even though he hadn't killed anyone as seen in this evidence (Provided by Don)

In the second picture you can see qwertyz did not kill a single player.
6.I hope pilot is brought to justice by being demoted and we don't let respectards like him run around.
7.Screenshots are provided above