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ANOTHER Minecraft thread... Mob traps.

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--- Quote from: DoeniDon on December 14, 2010, 05:37:26 PM ---hai gaiz let's argue over something retarded.

I never got to make any mob traps because I don't really have any need for the mob items and never get bothered by mobs.

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I still love you, Don.


--- Quote from: SabbathFreak on December 14, 2010, 05:36:10 PM ---1. I think we already established that I -1 everyone.
2. It's Rocket, I don't need a reason to -1 his specific post.
3. I didn't know by saying "spawn tower" you were referring to something similar to something that:

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1-2, Good point.
3, Ya thats what a spawn tower is Lol


--- Quote from: Buddha on December 13, 2010, 10:26:31 PM ---i dont really get mob spawners.. i invedit them and i place them in a small and dark room and no monsters spawned :<

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Invedit spawners dont work, you have to find the natural ones o.o

"Spawn Towers"

I got a decent one working, I just need to widen it out and make larger canals.


--- Quote from: gamefreak171 on December 14, 2010, 07:32:59 PM ---I got a decent one working, I just need to widen it out and make larger canals.

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