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ANOTHER Minecraft thread... Mob traps.

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I'm in my first save, I've had minecraft for about a week now. I'm thinking of building my first mob trap. Can anyone give me help?

Mr. Franklin:
sand build up near a beach would make a good mob trap, the spiders fall in the pit and you place the sand, and boom its possibly dead....

If you don't mind waiting, using a pit of water always ensures they die, and that their items don't disappear.


--- Quote from: gamefreak171 on December 12, 2010, 07:11:12 PM ---I'm in my first save, I've had minecraft for about a week now. I'm thinking of building my first mob trap. Can anyone give me help?

--- End quote ---

Just make a spawn tower


Huge profit :D

edit: amidoinitrite


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