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Dansk / Danish quick guide
« on: December 02, 2010, 02:34:15 AM »
Well okay, here's a quick guide to the danish language, including a phrase list.

In Denmark we have 3 letters which are different from the english alphabet they are called "æ" "ø" and "å"
these words are commonly used in danish. Therefore you need to know how to pronounce them:

æ/Æ= Eh - so if you say ælling, it would be pronounced ehlling - meaning a duckling
ø/Ø = oeh - this letter is hard to pronounce, its like a hmm sound in the throat - But the letter Ø is also the word for Island. Ø = island
å/Å = aeh - this letter is hard to pronounce, it goes like an aeh sound made by leaking out air from the loungs, its also the word for a river. å = river

Rest of the alphabet goes like the english one, and most of the words are pronounced as in english, but heres a phrase guide, to the most used danish sentences.

I = Jeg
Me = Mig
He = Han
She = Hun
They = Dem
Them = Dem


Alkohol - Alcohol
Abe - Monkey
Anti = Against ( this is most used in danish slang )
Alle = All
Alder = Age


Bi = Bee
Biseksuel = bisexual
Banan = Banana
Bitch = Bitch
Båd = Boat
Bande = Gang
Bavian = Baboon
Beskidt = Dirty
Bank = Bank or Beating up
Balle = Butt-cheek


Citron = Lemon
Cykel = Bicycle
Cement = Cement
Chili = Chili


Dum = Stupid
Dildo = Dildo
Dam = pond
Dulle = Whore
Disk = Disc
Dyne = Dove
Deres = Theirs
Dåb = to be baptist
Dal = Creek
Drukne = Drown
Detektiv = Detective
Diskotek = Club


Eller = either
Ener = Unique
Efter = After
Epilepsi = epileptic


Fisse = Pussy
Fræk = Naughty
Fantasi = Fantasy
Femidom = A condom for the ladies  >:(
Fantastisk = Fantastic
Fed = Fat


Gruppe = Gang
Grim = Ugly
Godt = Good
Gammel = Old
Gud = God
Gemen = Evil
Gas = Gas


Han = He
Hamster = Furret
Hår = Hair
Hal = Hall
Hore = Whore
Hund = Dog
Hop = Jump


I = Me or In
Idiot = Idiot
Imba = Cool
Ild = Fire
Imbecil = Stupid / Imbecile


Joke = Joke
Jul = Christmas
Jumbo = Big
Jøde = Jew
jammer = Complain
Javartus = Penis


Kam = Cam
Klam = Disgusting
Kæreste = Girlfriend/boyfriend
Kalender = calender
Kalorius = Penis
Kænguro = Kangaroo


Lamt = Lame
Lavendel = Lavender
lang = Long
Land = Country
Lugt = Smell
Lyn = Lightning
Lys = Light
Luder = Whore


Mongol = Retard
Mål = Goal
Mand = Man
Minut = Minute
Mange = Many
Mis = Cat
Mund = Mouth


Normal = Normal
Nar = Jerk
Nitte = That Sucks
Ny = New
Navn = Name
Narko = Drugs
Nem = Easy


Ovn = Owen
Old = Ancient
Orgasme = Orgasme
Og = And


Pik = Penis
Park = Park
Papegøje = Parrot
Pirat = Pirate
Pas = Passport
Patter = Tits


Quiz = Quiz


Ramt = Hit
Røv = ass
Røvhul = Asshole
Regning = Bill
Retten = Court
Rund = Round
Rask = Healthy


Sut = Suck
Sladder = Gossip
Seng = Bed
Sur = Mad
Svensk = Swedish
Sko = Shoe
Skole = School
Sund = healthy


Trold = Troll
Tarvelig = Mean
Tov = Rope
Tis = Pee


Ung = Young
Uddel = Pimp
Under = Under
Uper = Uber
Ultra = Ultra


Vinder = Winner
Vinde = Victory
Vammel = Creepy
Vante = Handheld
Voldig = Violent


Xylofon = Xylofon
Xtra = Extra


Yver = Cow Tits
Yndlings = Favourite
Yndig = Gracefull


Zebra = Zebra


Ælling = Duckling
Ældre = Older
Æble = Apple


Ø = island
Øl = Beer
Øvre = Upper


Å = River
Ål = Eel

So that was a quick Dictionary, heres some phrase you can use when traveling in Denmark:

Hej, Mit navn er ______ = Hello, my name is ______

Jeg kunne godt tænke mig = I would like

Hvad koster den? = What's the price?

Hvor gammel er du? = How old are you?

Hvor finder jeg _____? = where do i find ______?

Heres some phrases for computer gaming.

Du er virkelig lort = You suck

Du får tæsk = Im owning your ass

Jeg troller dig = Your getting Troll'd

din fede snyder, jeg skød dig i hovedet = You fat piece of crap, i shot you in the head

Okay so that was a VERY quick guide to the Danish Language
If you would like to know some more words, just type them and i will translate them :)

In Soviet Russia, fire gets destroyed by home.

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Re: Dansk / Danish quick guide
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2014, 03:02:53 PM »
Mig dyne.

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Re: Dansk / Danish quick guide
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2014, 03:33:29 PM »