I'll be testing a few I found lurking on garrysmod.org
Will edit post when I find a decent one, with download link and maybe a video.
Just reserving spot I guess.
If someone posts a good one, I'll make a video for you c:
@cable - I believe it should be unlockable, with the Cade kit and Grenade since the 20-kill unlockable is more of a support tier. Split it up an even 33.3%
Edit: So I found a decent one, but the .lua was all fucked up, like the POV looked shitty and instant regeneration. After messing with the Lua a bit, how does this sound
Healing Teammates:
Left Click (Mouse 1)
+15 HP
30 Seconds to Regenerate
Healing yourself:
Right Click (Mouse 2)
+10 HP
60 Seconds to Regenerate
That seem fair/not overbalanced?
I'll put a DL link soon enough, and the video is being converted ATM
The only "Bug" I can find with this specific one is that you can heal zombies if someone wanted to
Goddamnit, I'm determined to get this approved.
Edit 2: For the video as a demonstration, I had it set to 15HP self, 10HP teammate, 1 second regen rate.
(Crappy quality due to rushed down-conversion)
Health Kit test (For RND)