1. Player's SteamID STEAM_0:1:26456191
2. Players Nickname.:RND'=-Malaka
3. Your in-game name.:RND`=- jman | KBz
4. Server(s)All servers.
5. Description of the event(s)This child likes to constantly get butthurt, inducing major minging, mic spamming, and being a general annoying idiot who everyone wants to die. There have been many many times over a long time this has happened. There are so many witnesses it's not even funny.
6. Reason for banProp spam, target rdm, revenge rdm, non karma prop killing, server lagging, minging players, raging, and many many many more.
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)Yes, I know I don't have many pics or any demos, but I GUARENTEE if you ask 70% of RND they will agree with this. He does it all the time, every server, and for whatever reason.
That is all.