Ingame Names
Yabba My Icing Juan
Steam Id:
Juan_Ambriz12 :STEAM_0:1:36217791
(Hopefully Thats right)
Time online
Im on just about every day on ZS usually after school on weekdays after Homework about 4-ish
Flood (exept their is no one evr on their)
Games on Steam
Garry's Mod
Team Fortress 2
Half Life 2
Half Life 2: Episode One
Half Life 2: Episode Two
Counter-Strike: Source
California-United States
About meh:D
Im an awesome 14 Year old guy that LOVES ZS im very good friends with the people their other than the Minges...... If people are being Minges then i straight up tell them.... Im so good at ZS that people even say i hack..... WHICH I SWEAR TO YOU THAT I DONT HACK WHATSO EVER ON GMOD OR ANY GAME THAT IT RUINES THE FUN
My story and why i want to be Regular
(Why steam says i own no games) I HAVE BOUGHT GMOD TODAY Dec 1
Well ive had Garrys mod for a while, this is my second account, you should never lend your account to a friend i learned that the hard way...... I let my friend borrow my account becuase he really wanted to try Garrys Mod before buying it... And what he did was mic Spam so much and do so many bad things that he got my steam account banned....

so... I was forced to make a second account and steam wouldnt give me my games becuase they thought i didnt own it.... So in order to play my favorite games once again i had to crack them.....
(How i Met RNd)
Well on my 1st account i played a lot of Rnd ZS under the name of Garfield1001 i never really knew their was a forum so i didnt sign up.... Untill my second account when i saw peoplr telling me how to be a reg and VIP.

(Why i want to become a Regular)
Weeeelll 1st of all im on REGULARLY just about every day like i said.. Second once i get bored of ZS and start going to TTT or Wirebuild, i want to have those sertain oppertunities givin to good people.... And im not a minge i want to be reg so i can vote Minges off the server on ZS...
Contributions To Rnd:
None YET i am currently working an a map with Hammer
How to contact meh