Author Topic: 11/25/10 Application: DeToX3d  (Read 139 times)

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11/25/10 Application: DeToX3d
« on: November 25, 2010, 07:56:27 AM »

DETOXED'S VIP ApplicationHello to all RND members,This is my 4th VIP applications(The other 3 are either denied or in the bin)


Age:12(13 in 3 more months)

InGame Name: .:RND`=- DeToX3d(AKA .:RND`=- W 3 S T W 1 N D 5 and Trinity)

RND Members as My Friends:
[N3XT].:RND`=- Revenant(AKA [N3XT].:RND`=- IzzettIzam:Dâ„¢)(Reg)
.:RND`=- Jman15234(VIP)
.:RND`=- DoeniDon(AKA Mr.Don)(VIP)
.:RND`=- TheRo4ch(Regular)
FTW (cooljag123)(Regular)
.:RND`=- Ulrick(Guest)
Jim Onions(Admin)

Servers I played:
Zombie Survival
Trouble In Terrorist Town

Why should I become a VIP:
In most of the servers,there are people who minges or hack.I play gmod about 9 hours per day and tired of seeing minges or hackers around with no VIP sometimes and If Im around,I can bring those minges or hackers to justice.Furthermore,I am a person who is patience and will not immediately kick minges and hackers when someone said:*HELP HIS MINGING*Like that.I will observe his movement throughout the game and reach my conclusion to whether or not to votekick or voteban him.I am also a person who respond to people who are asking for help in global chat and no matter what,I will respond even if I'm having a good time as Traitor In TTT or Highest zombie kills in ZS.
Also,I have been In RND for 1.5 years.And I have also been a moderator in some sites and I warned people who spam or break rules there.

Ban Reasons:I will record down the names in my RND record book
Zombie Survival:
1.If someone teamkill by pushing people into hole or traps on purpose:Warned
If the same someone teamkill again by pushing people into hole or traps on purpose:votekick
If again the same someone:voteban and report.

2.If someone is hacking in zs:Warned and votekick
If he join back and hacking:voteBan
If he still join back again and hacking:voteBan and Report.

3.If Someone is glitching/exploiting the map:Warned
If he doesn't listens:voteKick him
If he Joins back and do it again:VoteBan him
If He joins back and do it again:VoteBan and report

Trouble In Terrorist Town

1.If someone randomkill a Detective:Asked why
If the reason is not acceptable or he doesn't reply:Warned(Not Acceptable Reason)Kicked(Doesn't reply.Meaning he doesn't know english and probably rdm Detective again)
If again he rdm a detective:votekick
If he joins back and RDM detective:voteban and report

2.If someone randomkill alot of innocents above 4 deaths:Warned
If the same someone randomkill alot of innocents above 3 this time:votekick
If the same someone join back and randomkill innocents above 3 again:voteban
If the same someone join back again and randomkill innocents above 3:voteban and Report

3.If someone is propkilling:warned
If the same someone is propkilling:votekick
If the same someone join back and propkilling again:voteban
If the same someone join back and propkilling again:voteban and report

4.If Traitor kills Traitor:Asked why
If He doesn't reply or give an unacceptable reason:votekick(No Reply means he is probably doesn't speak english and there is chance of him rdming again)warned(unacceptable reason)
If He joins back and rdming his traitor fellows:votekick and warned
If again he join back and rdming his traitor fellows:voteban and maybe report

5.If Someone is glitching/exploiting the map:Warned
If he doesn't listens:voteKick him
If he Joins back and do it again:VoteBan him
If He joins back and do it again:VoteBan and report

6.If someone is ghosting through steam chat:Warned
If he still continues:Votekick him
If he comeback and continue:Voteban him
If he comeback and still continue:Voteban him and report.


.If someone is prop pushing:Warned
If he still continues:Votekick him
If he comeback and continues:voteban him.
If he comeback and still continues:Voteban him and report.

2.If someone is glitching the map(like stuck in place where the hazardous water can't reach you):Warned
If he still doesn't want to come down or continues:Votekick him
If he come back and still doesn't want to come down and continues:Voteban him
If he come back again and still continues:voteban him and report

Wired/PHX Build

If someone is spamming props/crashing the server:Votekick him
If he comeback and do the same crap:Voteban him
If he comeback and still do the same crap:voteban and report.

1.If someone is micspamming:Player Mute.
If people are complaining:I tell them how to mute the person.

2.Racist on chatbox:Tell them to stop
If they still continue:votekick
If they comeback and still continue:voteban
If they come back again and still continue:voteban and report.

3.Spammer on chatbox:Tell them to stop
IF they continue:votekick
IF they come back and continue:Voteban
If they come back and Still continue:voteban and votekick

Steam Games I have(I have cracked steam last time but now I had Legit):
arry's mod

Thats all

Last words in this app:
Thank you admins for reading this VIP app and I be most appreciated if I'm promoted to VIP.
Thank you VIPS for also reading this VIP app.
Please don't vote me no just because of my age.I'm already matured and I will do my job with full responsibility.
I did this VIP App with my most effort.
Thank you.

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Re: 11/25/10 Application: DeToX3d
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2010, 09:42:20 AM »

Offline Buddha

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Re: 11/25/10 Application: DeToX3d
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2010, 10:17:45 PM »

Offline Moo

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Re: 11/25/10 Application: DeToX3d
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2010, 02:02:16 PM »