Cake, stop being so fucking naive with your Obama hate.
I'm not supporting any of his decisions or what he has done so far, but just because he's going to help out an ally of the United States doesn't mean he goes around starting wars with everyone.
And there's no way in hell Russia is going to back up USA, neither will the EU or the NATO. If USA is going to get involved in this and send troops, no one else will join in. We all learnt from the terrible things that happened throughout the Iraq war and already gave the statement that the Iraq war was a terrible defeat.
Then again ... I'm too busy joining student protests here in the UK because -snip, don't want to start a country war .. again-
Making claims that Cake is naive based solely on his hate for obama is not really valid. Also including something about student protests (probably because of some UK teen angst). I am a little tired of all these foreigners praising Obama when they don't even know how convoluted his policies are. Still, Cake is an uninformedfag so I'll give you that.
I doubt that from the first war in Korean there was alot of countries involved
The "North Korean" side consisted of
•Democratic People's Republic of Korea
•People's Republic of China
•The Soviet Union
The "South Korean" side consisted of
•Republic of Korea
•New Zealand
•South Africa
•United Kingdom
•United States
Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_countries_were_involved_in_the_Korean_War#ixzz16EO8VnyF
So if another war was to start I'm pretty sure it would play out like the first one, on who gets involved
Yes, NATO would get involved in support of S. Korea. Yes, China would get involved in support of N. Korea.
South Korea wins, but all Koreans lose cause all their shit will be asploded.
Obama is going to play basketball with the presidents of north and south Korea
On a more intellectual note, I think that the North Koreans either have something up their sleeve, or a REALLY good reason to attack.
Perhaps the South Koreans had something on that island that the North knew about and wanted destroyed. With the restrictions on the media, we really don't know at all what happened and why it happened for sure. (Especially considering that N. Korea is one of the most oppressive communist governments in the world)
I believe its because that new N. Korean guy is going to be the king or emperor or something and he wants to make a name for himself. He will get blown to shit though.
The soviet alone is a huge army. North Korea only has bombs nothing else.
What we need to worry about is China... They are a growing super power. Dont underestimate. Very possible can surpass Usa if not already.
Everyone stop saying soviet. There is no goddamn soviet union anymore its just russia and a bunch of poorfag countries. Nonetheless, Russia holds more capitalist sympathies than communist at this point so i dont think they will help the North Koreans.
Coming from a guy who hasn't lived in America and/or never paid attention to what was going on around him. 
Honestly, I say we dont really need to get evolved with a whole new war unless all of the troops gtfo of the Middle East and head on over to S. Korea. Even then I think Bush agreed to help rebuild Iraq and get it a new start. And who knows, since asia has a large population and vast forest, even with all the military power we have compared to N. Korea, it could turn out to be like Vietnam. I've read from multiple sources/books that the soldiers hid in tree's and laid ambushes from place to place, that's how bad it was.
It wont be a walk in the park basically. Let alone resort to nukes,
Cuz' radiation totally wont spread out to other countries surrounding north korea.
...unless N. Korea really is that bad with their military, then it would be a walk in the park.
A Korean conflict holds huge priority for sure, but we do need to stabilize the Middle East. If fighting broke out, I don't see how we couldn't simply send ships and supplies for the most part, instead of spamming infantry like we did before.