AidsPuppy's Regular Application!Steam: aidsdog/
SteamID:# 2 "Aids Puppy" STEAM_0:0:0 00:07 21 0 active loopback
In-Game Name:AidsPuppy
Time online:im on fairly offten due to the fact of me lacking a real life
Servers:Random Zm mod
furry ttt
fallout rp (level 52) <- no life
my own random ones somtimes xD
anything that really catchs my eye
Birthday:1995 may 30th
Games (on Steam):whole conter strike pack
orange box
Gmod (the best game ever)
minecraft xD
Location:Greenfiled Wisconsin
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:i would like to become a regular to be host for no good reason really, i would like to just try to keep the peace on the sever and watch out for damn minge bags. again to be honest, theres no damn reason you should pick me really, i feel like im a nice guy and would like just be a regular.
Contributions to RND:stoping trolls and mingebags from killing the fun
If you want to contact me for anything, either add me on Steam or use any of the or just pm me
>i know i took time out of my no life to fill this out just to be swated down like the rest but i though i would take a chance
Ps: ill give you a free sample of aids if you REG me xD
Pss: using a template FTW <