Technology (Read Only) > Computers
My new Epic Rig.
Cake Faice:
Fun fact: the only reason why people get Intel core i7's is just to showcase teh best computa ever made. But really, they just fucked themselves financially.
--- Quote from: Cake Faic on August 29, 2010, 05:31:47 PM ---Fun fact: the only reason why people get Intel core i7's is just to showcase teh best computa ever made. But really, they just fucked themselves financially.
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That is why I'm going to buy AMD.
--- Quote from: Eddy on August 30, 2010, 04:44:00 AM ---Exactly!
That is why I'm going to buy AMD.
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Make sure to get epicly good heatsink
» Magic «:
--- Quote from: Tomcat on August 30, 2010, 05:05:53 PM ---
Make sure to get epicly good heatsink
--- End quote ---
Coolermaster v10 FTW
Corsair H50 pwns the V8. For obvious reasons. And about same price.
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