Technology (Read Only) > Computers

My new Epic Rig.

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Stupid logo thing moving my text...

So yeah im getting a new computer pretty much.CaseThermaltake Element G
MotherboardASUS M4A785TD-V EVO AM3 AMD 785G HDMI ATX AMD Motherboard
ProcessorAMD Phenom ii x6 1055t (2.8 Ghz Hexa-Core)
Power SupplyXFX Black Edition 850 Watt Power Supply
RamG.Skill Ripjaws 8GB (2 4GB DDR3 Sticks)
Hard-DriveWestern Digital 1TB 7200 RPM
Graphics CardXFX Radeon HD 5850

Mr. Franklin:
looks awesome. now  :gtfo:

Teehee.  :troll:

Came buckets at RAM.

Off topic, because of the IP change coolz will have to redo the zs scores on gametrackers.


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