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My new Epic Rig.

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Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: Proudly Infected on August 11, 2010, 10:24:20 PM ---My calculator is better than that setup.

--- End quote ---
Lies. My calculator is better, and is senior friendly


"When life gives you offensive copy pastas, you post it on Xexxar's steam profile!"

Why is this so true?

 Hey guys

Should I get a Logitech G19 to go with my new computer?

Intel Pentium D 940 system consumes 253W of power with both processing CPU cores stressed, and an AMD Athlon64 FX-62 power system consumes upwards of 235W

Intel Core 2 Duo processors could overclock to 3.2 GHz+ on air cooling
AMD's 90nm Athlon64 X2/FX processors have difficulty overclocking much past 3 G Hz.

If I were to take off the heat-sink from an Intel CPU, it would not lock up completely, although you might get some serious problems when taking off the heat-sink, it would simply overload and run high temps. The CPU would slow down drastically. When replacing the heat-sink, (after cooling), it would still be similar to the previous (before taking off heat-sink).

If I were to take the heat-sink from a comparable AMD CPU, the cpu would lock up, and severe damage would be done to the chip. (I.e Core Meltdown). And within seconds the chip would be up in smoke. (Literately)

Bad bad


The amount of load an AMD processor can take compared to that of an Intel CPU is much better, and I mean much.

The codenamed "Dragon" from AMD (comparing to Intel i7) is similar in almost every way. Except, it consumes less energy, has more internal power, can have much greater CPU load.

One thing that is really different between Intel i7 and the "Dragon" is the hyper-threading. (Yes that is it.)

AMD can proccess faster, and more.
Intel can look like it is better. But you have to look deep down.

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Кrашер on August 12, 2010, 03:13:49 PM ---Intel Pentium D 940 system consumes 253W of power with both processing CPU cores stressed, and an AMD Athlon64 FX-62 power system consumes upwards of 235W

Intel Core 2 Duo processors could overclock to 3.2 GHz+ on air cooling
AMD's 90nm Athlon64 X2/FX processors have difficulty overclocking much past 3 G Hz.

If I were to take off the heat-sink from an Intel CPU, it would not lock up completely, although you might get some serious problems when taking off the heat-sink, it would simply overload and run high temps. The CPU would slow down drastically. When replacing the heat-sink, (after cooling), it would still be similar to the previous (before taking off heat-sink).

If I were to take the heat-sink from a comparable AMD CPU, the cpu would lock up, and severe damage would be done to the chip. (I.e Core Meltdown). And within seconds the chip would be up in smoke. (Literately)

Bad bad


The amount of load an AMD processor can take compared to that of an Intel CPU is much better, and I mean much.

The codenamed "Dragon" from AMD (comparing to Intel i7) is similar in almost every way. Except, it consumes less energy, has more internal power, can have much greater CPU load.

One thing that is really different between Intel i7 and the "Dragon" is the hyper-threading. (Yes that is it.)

AMD can proccess faster, and more.
Intel can look like it is better. But you have to look deep down.

--- End quote ---

What about the 65nm AMD chips? Like my one [Brisbane]

They can surely get to 3GHz on air cooling, I can get to 2.8(From 2.4) on a Broken stock heatsink :x With idle of 40, and if 100% usage, and i mean nothing but 100%, for an hour, You get to 95*c, But once you kill the process it will go back down to 50 and gradually 40*c in under 5 mins, mid temps are around 60*c so ya PWN lol

@Xexxar Just get Razer Lycosa & One of Razers £60^ mice

O man ppl have lot money today.


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