Hello! My info:In game name: poslol
Real name: Pedro
I play: Trouble in Terrorist Town(TTT), Zombie Survival, Wire Build, Winter survival, Flood and DeathRun.
How long do I play: Mostly 3 to 6 hours a day
Age: 15
Country: Brazil
City: Rio de Janeiro
Steam name: poslool
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:30819962
About me: I am funny, realistic and sometimes creative. The player (my country) César can talk more about me, because I talk with him more. xD
(he asked to speak that I am his friend) ~> LOL
I play more on the "Wire Build," is my favorite game type! (This server is awesome!)
I also like the play much Trouble in Terrorist Town and Winter Survival.
I would like to be regular in order to use some new tools for the game becomes more fun, I don't want to be a regular for do bullshits.
Thanks for that server exists!
Guys, I know that my old app had been disapproved, but with time now, most players know me and those who already know me might think otherwise of me now, so I'm trying again.