i am almost always on and i love to create things inside of this game. although i would love to become a regular to be able to use all of the tools. I've been really angry that i could not use all of them i would love to be a regular. i have been playing as a guest for quiet some time playing with the tools that only the game allows I've made many Friends in one of these servers
my username is komakozeee
my age is 13
i would love to help out the VIPs and ban people so that they mess around with the people online do not cooperate with administrates
i also have always Had a kind heart to help people and to reach out to them and i would like to help the VIPs that catch this and start a ban vote
i will not abuse the power of being able to help Ban people i will help only for a legit reason for banning some one
i also hate hackers or people who crash servers because they can and i would love to help Ban them
i have been online with a few administrates like moo
i respect anyone everyone and everthing that i can
i respect the players that are hacking crashing and mingling but their is a certain point in which they are going over bored
i do not look at someones past i always look at their presant and i do not will not and can not judge someone
and thank you for your time of looking at this and your time of being online and helping people become regulars VIPs and admins
p.s if you are high you have more responsibilities and people look up to you so continue the awesome work