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So what is new with you all anyways?

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i took a shit today and it took TWO flushes to go down completely


--- Quote from: qt on February 15, 2016, 10:33:35 PM ---i took a shit today and it took TWO flushes to go down completely

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dude i had a similar experience except it was with a bowl of cereal and not shit

○ Μαρία ○:

--- Quote from: qt on February 15, 2016, 10:33:35 PM ---i took a shit today and it took TWO flushes to go down completely

--- End quote ---

Hello No Sperm


--- Quote from: Cable on February 16, 2016, 12:47:48 AM ---dude i had a similar experience except it was with a bowl of cereal and not shit

--- End quote ---

you shit cereal? i always knew there was something wrong with you cable

--- Quote from: ○ Μαρία ○ on February 16, 2016, 02:54:52 AM ---Hello No Sperm

--- End quote ---

i have sperm again, i am QT now

Been a while, eh? Looks like everyone's still going great :)

Finally finished with high school and now started studying IT in university.


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