I've been going to some of these sites for awhile, and since it's Christmas, I thought I'd let you all know about them. So you can maybe win some games!

All of these are legit sites.
Site 1: http://www.steamgifts.com/I've been on this site. For over 2 years. It's the best of all 4 imo. However to join the site your account needs to be worth like 200$ or something. (This is to avoid people making multiple accounts to win free games.)
Some important rules about the site.:
(Just read the FAQ.) Winning games and selling/trading/regifting that game is against the rules.The nice thing about SG is all the different ways you can give games away; if you ever feel like giving away a game, you can give away, steam keys, steam gifts, or the humble bundle gift link things. (Origin and other things are not allowed. I mean, it's called STEAMgifts for a reason. lol)
And you can make private giveaways for groups of friends, or group giveaways.
Site 2: http://go.playblink.com/IgotElbows(if you don't feel like using my ref code you can just delete my username to go to the site.)I stopped going on this site for awhile because I hated the minigame giveaways.(But those actually have less entries, so they are best to do.)
This site is good, but feels a little pay to win. And strict in more ways than Steamgifts, but less strict in others. You can do ANYTHING you want with the games you win. However, if you want to give away games, they have to be steam gifts.
(Also if you are charity member you can enter giveaways multiple times. But you have to pay real money.)
Site 3: http://www.galagiveaways.com/I personally don't like this site that much. It's mostly filled with leftovers from humble bundles and stuff. The upside to this site is you can give away steam, origin, and desura game keys.
You can enter giveaways multiple times other stuff.
I don't think you can give away the games you win(Used to be a rule, no idea if it still is one or not), don't care enough to find out.
Site 4:http://www.tremorgames.com/?ref=250294 (if you don't feel like using my ref code you can just delete the end of the url to go to the site.)I don't know much about this site to be honest. I don't really use it. I do know the point system is weird. You have to play games/watch ads&videos/do surveys.
Don't know if you can even give away games on this site. The site does however give away more than games.
It gives away Games, TF2 items, Dota 2 items, steam trading cards, and gift cards(To amazon, PSN+, IMVU, and all sorts of shit.)
There was a 5th site, but it had a shitload of problems and was recently shut down.
I hope you guys found this slightly informative. Thought it might be a good way to give back to community.
Merry Christmas everyone.

If you have any questions about the sites, just ask below. (I mostly know only about SG and PB.)