Promotions (Read Only) > VIP

Nappymatt's (aka Dale Feles) reapplication (9/28/15)

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In-game: Nappymatt (STEAM_0:1:26328414)
Real life: Mathieu Jetté
Past aliases: $ilent A$a$in (This is pretty much when I started playing on rNd, Don't be confused beacause there were 2 $ilent A$a$ins, Dales Feles, NappyMatt.

In RND since:

Shit man, it’s been a while. I’ve had my inactivity periods in-between, but I’ve discovered rNd, what, 5-6 years ago? Something along those lines.

Times online:

I'm mostly on when I'm done with school and some work, and I'm generally on most of the day on weekends. The time I play is very flexible.

Time Zone:

Eastern time (GMT -5.)


Canada, Ontario, Ottawa.

Servers I mostly play on:

I’ve played on pretty much all the rNd servers, however, TTT has to be my #1 go to server.

Steam Name:


Why I want to be VIP:

I’ve previously earned “VIP” a while ago, and got demoted for inactivity. I’d like to be a part of the rNd community again, and as such I’d like to earn my VIP rank again to do my part on moderating the servers.

Contributions to RND:

-Made a few reports
-Made the French translations for the rNd SVN manager (,756.0.html)
- Already served as VIP beforehand.

Things done In-Game

Honestly, I haven't built that much in-game. I made a cheap cart, but that's it. I mostly spend my time trying out other users creations

Games I have (on Steam):

Honestly, I have a shitload of games, here's some of them

-Gmod (Obviously)
-Team fortress 2 (Obiously)
-The WHOLE Half life 2 collection. (Including the first one and the addons)

Methods to contact me:

-rNd forums
-Gmail (PM me if you need my address)
-Cell (I aint paying long distance tho)

A few friends active in RND

I’d say I’m minimum acquaintances with most of the current vip’s and admins.

Thanks to:

Don, for this application layout, and Cable for posting the application.

Good ol' rNd Silent.

Massive +1, he was an awesome and respectable VIP

I see no harm in promoting people demoted for inactivity. As long as he's somewhat active and helpful on the server, I  :thumbsup:.

Monorail Cat:

--- Quote from: Cable on September 28, 2015, 07:35:14 PM ---I see no harm in promoting people demoted for inactivity. As long as he's somewhat active and helpful on the server, I  :thumbsup:.

--- End quote ---

Mr. Franklin:
Yea i think silent should be vip again, he's an awesome guy with an outstanding personality  :thumbsup:


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