Author Topic: How is RND?  (Read 739 times)

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Re: How is RND?
« Reply #30 on: August 28, 2015, 10:28:05 PM »
still miss TTT
I also miss TTT.
fellow TTT-misser reporting in

Lately, I've just been making gmod addons and practicing wrapping my head around coding logic with lua.

For like half a year I was running a TTT with a few hard-coded modifications. At the time, FA:S2 wasn't really that popular and the only weapon port for TTT was M9K weapons, which fucking suck, so I ported the FA:S2 base and modded it to work with TTT.

I started out running a totally vanilla server, with the exception of the ported FA:S2 base. I guess that was enough to draw people in, because practically every night we'd fill up and hit the 24 player capacity.

Over time, I added some other stuff like player model selection, a CSGOish crosshair customization system, dynamic music kits similar to CSGO, all of which were either heavily modified references or written totally from scratch.

The biggest thing I did though, was make a Borderlands-like weighted RNG system for weapons. Guns would have values tied to them that affected their reload, firing speed, damage, capacity, and accuracy. They even glowed and shit. That seemed to skyrocket the servers popularity and we were sitting comfortably in the top 400 on gametracker for a few months and almost never hit 0/24.

I started losing interest in the server, though, and wanted to start working on my own gamemode. I took the server down in favor of using it as a development point for my gamemode. I initially made that TTT server as a testbed for coding. Running a community or having a popular server was never my goal.

I still have the gamemode files, along with all of the tweaks and additions I made to it. It's pretty messy, there's a lot of stuff I coded directly into the gamemode that could have just been hooked, and there's a lot of misc functions and scripts in there that probably don't need to be there. If Coolz has any interest in running a TTT again, I don't mind sweeping through the files and giving him the gamemode.

The server was extremely popular, and I think it could help breathe some new life into RND instead of letting it continue to stagnate.

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Re: How is RND?
« Reply #31 on: August 29, 2015, 05:00:00 AM »

The biggest thing I did though, was make a Borderlands-like weighted RNG system for weapons. Guns would have values tied to them that affected their reload, firing speed, damage, capacity, and accuracy.

It looks refreshing

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Re: How is RND?
« Reply #32 on: August 31, 2015, 04:43:28 PM »
Lol holy shit Juan

I'm starting my third year at UC Santa Cruz. Come thru and hmu so we can  :rasta:

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Re: How is RND?
« Reply #33 on: August 31, 2015, 08:35:05 PM »
Wow its been so long, my heart aches a bit remembering you guys. :)]
Hope you all doing well.
(Reg) Nezz45: peetah are you good with the weight tool?

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Re: How is RND?
« Reply #34 on: August 31, 2015, 09:17:59 PM »
I fucking love how many old members just happen to see this thread.

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Re: How is RND?
« Reply #35 on: September 01, 2015, 11:17:47 PM »
So much FFXIV...
Prox: gibs me dat pic of sabb choking on  a dick

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Re: How is RND?
« Reply #36 on: September 03, 2015, 06:12:33 PM »
Lately, I've just been making gmod addons and practicing wrapping my head around coding logic with lua.

For like half a year I was running a TTT with a few hard-coded modifications. At the time, FA:S2 wasn't really that popular and the only weapon port for TTT was M9K weapons, which fucking suck, so I ported the FA:S2 base and modded it to work with TTT.

I started out running a totally vanilla server, with the exception of the ported FA:S2 base. I guess that was enough to draw people in, because practically every night we'd fill up and hit the 24 player capacity.

Over time, I added some other stuff like player model selection, a CSGOish crosshair customization system, dynamic music kits similar to CSGO, all of which were either heavily modified references or written totally from scratch.

The biggest thing I did though, was make a Borderlands-like weighted RNG system for weapons. Guns would have values tied to them that affected their reload, firing speed, damage, capacity, and accuracy. They even glowed and shit. That seemed to skyrocket the servers popularity and we were sitting comfortably in the top 400 on gametracker for a few months and almost never hit 0/24.

I started losing interest in the server, though, and wanted to start working on my own gamemode. I took the server down in favor of using it as a development point for my gamemode. I initially made that TTT server as a testbed for coding. Running a community or having a popular server was never my goal.

I still have the gamemode files, along with all of the tweaks and additions I made to it. It's pretty messy, there's a lot of stuff I coded directly into the gamemode that could have just been hooked, and there's a lot of misc functions and scripts in there that probably don't need to be there. If Coolz has any interest in running a TTT again, I don't mind sweeping through the files and giving him the gamemode.

The server was extremely popular, and I think it could help breathe some new life into RND instead of letting it continue to stagnate.

Yeah if your interested, I could setup a server for you to play around with it.

Unfortunately, I've been sick for over a month now, twice with the same thing, so I haven't been on as much as I normally am, but if you're interested I can start to do that.
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Re: How is RND?
« Reply #37 on: September 03, 2015, 10:53:11 PM »
Yeah if your interested, I could setup a server for you to play around with it.

Unfortunately, I've been sick for over a month now, twice with the same thing, so I haven't been on as much as I normally am, but if you're interested I can start to do that.



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Re: How is RND?
« Reply #38 on: September 04, 2015, 12:38:49 PM »
Yeah if your interested, I could setup a server for you to play around with it.

Unfortunately, I've been sick for over a month now, twice with the same thing, so I haven't been on as much as I normally am, but if you're interested I can start to do that.
Sick? shieeeeet. Feel better man :(

Offline Deathie

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Re: How is RND?
« Reply #39 on: September 05, 2015, 03:23:44 PM »
Yeah if your interested, I could setup a server for you to play around with it.

Unfortunately, I've been sick for over a month now, twice with the same thing, so I haven't been on as much as I normally am, but if you're interested I can start to do that.

I'm running my own server for coding and dev testing, the last thing I'd want to do is make a mess and give you something bug riddled and have to have you constantly update it or something.

I'll clean it up and make sure that everything is working like it should before sending it to you. I just figured I'd give it to a community who would use it instead of just uploading it on the workshop. It's not like it's anything amazing by any stretch of the imagination, but it is something I invested a lot of time into and has some sentimental value.

Gmod has turned into a disgusting cesspit of servers that flood users with a billion different player model downloads and pointshop paywalls to access free workshop content. I didn't want to see places like that using the Borderlands weapon system to sell players high stat guns or something and continue to let them profit off of others' works. One of the things that made this place so great was that there was never any money grubbing for "donations". It was just something you felt like doing, and your primary directive was "community" not "profit".

The gamemode uses the entire suite of FA:S2 weapons, although CW is becoming more popular now so I might switch it to that at some point.

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Anyways, I'll message you sometime soon. Give me a couple days to clean up the code and package it up for you.

Check out my Soundcloud for some neat stuff!

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Re: How is RND?
« Reply #40 on: September 19, 2015, 02:06:49 AM »

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Re: How is RND?
« Reply #41 on: September 19, 2015, 12:31:26 PM »
Oh shit, haven't seen you in a while.

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Re: How is RND?
« Reply #42 on: November 03, 2015, 09:00:48 PM »
*sneaks in after Cable randomly friended me on steam today* Decided to come check on the forums once again :3
I'm back and playing gmod again!

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Re: How is RND?
« Reply #43 on: November 04, 2015, 02:39:57 PM »
*sneaks in after Cable randomly friended me on steam today* Decided to come check on the forums once again :3

Where the TTT players at? I got on after a weekend of "not having paid the internet bill in three months" and now nobody even launches gmod

Anybody wanna coordinate a game? Even with the people who don't play it anymore?
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Re: How is RND?
« Reply #44 on: November 04, 2015, 05:08:42 PM »
It was going very strong, then BOOM midterms hit.  Whenever I'm here, I'd absolutely love to play.