Technology (Read Only) > Mapping

UPDATE THREAD for deathrun_rnd_throbbing

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Monorail Cat:

--- Quote from: Yellow Killer on October 02, 2014, 04:09:27 AM ---Looking good so far.  :thumbsup: Loving the trap as well. My Y Logo would be the perfect decal for my trap.

You can use this:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
or this for reference:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
--- End quote ---

I was actually thinking of using your sprite Marie made you, but I can do this instead.  Do you prefer one over the other?

Yellow Killer:

--- Quote from: Monorail Cat on October 02, 2014, 02:30:18 PM ---I was actually thinking of using your sprite Marie made you, but I can do this instead.  Do you prefer one over the other?

--- End quote ---
You can use the sprite if you'd like. Actually, give me screenshots of the Y Logo solo, the sprite solo, and the sprite and logo combined, and I'll see what works best.

Monorail Cat:
Hey, sorry that I've not update this recently.  After my graphics card broke, I kinda stopped working on it for a bit, because
1) i did an emergency backup of my critical documents and files onto a removable drive   
2) said drive was my friend's, and we both kept forgetting to let me have the drive back to import the files
3) after the card broke, there was about a week and a half that I did not use a computer at all, because I did not yet know it was the graphics card that broke, not the computer   ::)
4) kinda fell out of making my ksp movie and deathrun map because of that absence 
5) school got insane for the past two weeks   :abuse:
Well, I finally got the files imported, and I hope to work on the map again.  However, with finals approaching quickly, it may be a while until the next actual update.  But expect it to have something fun :)

Monorail Cat:
I'm back to it, and I hope to completely finish the map within the next week or two, depending on my classes.

Tiger Guy:
Looking nice. Can't wait to playtest it.


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