1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:1234)
"{ShadowofDoom}" STEAM_0:0:34119461
2. Players Nickname
3. Your in-game name
4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)
Trouble in Terrorist Town
5. Description of the event(s)
Me and Shadow have been friends on TTT, having fun with each other and stuff, but for some reason shadow suddenly decides to hate me and won't stop accusing me of rdming. One round I'm detective, and I DNA scan a body, shows up as a player that's walking towards me and a grou of people. Shadow and I are stuck in a cramped place with like 5 ppl and the guy I need to kill walks behind Shadow. I'm shooting at the guy behind Shadow, and while I'm doing that (haven't hit Shadow once) another guy comes up behind me shooting everyone, including me. He shoots Shadow down to badly wounded with a shotgun, and I'm still killing the guy behind Shadow when Shadow decides to jump, and I shoot him in the head once by accident. It turns out he was a traitor. So after that round, Shadow won't stop complaining about me rdming him. He then decides to use a chair to push the vending machine in alt_borders and non karmable prop kills me. I warned him before he killed me not to, but he proceeds to anyways. Shadow then admits it after the round, and says "that's for the rdm". Non karmable prop killing rdm? Ya, so I try to kick Shadow, and it turns out everyone votes no and it passes. This report is to hopefully at least get him demoted. I have also warned Shadow to stop prop killing a lot before.
6. Reason for ban
Revenge/target non karmable prop kill rdm.
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)
(VIP) SabbathFreak: shadowElliot FOUND THE BODY OF Death M.D.. HE WAS INNOCENT.
(VIP) SabbathFreak: you bitch about rdm
(VIP) SabbathFreak: then non karmable prop kill(Guest) KillerBEE: i saw your knife
(VIP) SabbathFreak: you kill 1 person i kick(Guest) Elliot: Death M.D. saw Dr. Gregory House M.D. before he got knifed
(VIP) SabbathFreak: votekick'
Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. -Trouble in Terrorist Town|Tick66|Fast DL- You're the traitor! <

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(Guest) KillerBEE: the traitor knife
(Guest) Elliot: I'm with morfin.
the little muffin from hell FOUND THE BODY OF SabbathFreak. HE WAS INNOCENT.
(Guest) Elliot: I see .:|Hatifnat|:..
olidVote] SabbathFreak initiated vote 'Kick player {ShadowofDoom}?'
[SolidVote] Reason: Guiz lets non karmable prop ki
[SolidVote] SabbathFreak voted yes.
[SolidVote] {ShadowofDoom} voted no.(Guest) Elliot: Dr. Gregory House M.D.
(Guest) morfin: f11[SolidVote] Prox voted no.
[SolidVote] .:|Hatifnat|:. voted no.
SolidVote] Yes votes must exceed No votes. Yes Votes: 1/No Votes: 3(Guest) morfin: fags
(Reg) {ShadowofDoom}: yeah
(VIP) SabbathFreak: shadow
(VIP) SabbathFreak: next its a report
Prox FOUND THE BODY OF the little muffin from hell. HE WAS INNOCENT.
Elliot FOUND THE BODY OF Dr. Gregory House M.D.. HE WAS A TRAITOR!
Elliot CONFIRMED THE DEATH OF failbunny.
Elliot CONFIRMED THE DEATH OF {ShadowofDoom}.
(Reg) {ShadowofDoom}: thats for rdmProx FOUND THE BODY OF {ShadowofDoom}. HE WAS INNOCENT.
(VIP) SabbathFreak: i garantee thatll work
(Guest) morfin: non karmable propkills is not allowed
(Guest) [WCAGA](PP)-P4inKill3r: pwnd
(VIP) SabbathFreak: k thnx
(Reg) {ShadowofDoom}: thats for rdm me last roundHopefully that's enough proof to get him a demote, though a lot of this is just my word.
I'll try to get a demo of his non karmable prop killing again, which shouldn't be hard because there's not a round he doesn't do it on alt_borders.
(sorry there's no demo here, but I wasn't exactly expecting him to get as butthurt to do that)
EDIT: Looks like he's banned from the forums too.
Why is someone that's banned from the forums even reg?