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MH Flight 17 SHOT DOWN by Ukranian Separatists

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Monorail Cat:
I'm sure many of you have heard by now, but hell... This is fucking horrible.  The separatists thought it was a Ukrainian jet, and shot it down with weapons (likely provided by Russia).  298 men, women, and children shot out of the sky, from all over the world.  They could have been going to see family, or going home from a vacation...

298 people fucking murdered.

Something needs to be done about this shit.


I imagine the Board of directors of Malyasian Airlines are so done with this shit.

Yellow Killer:
Date of crash: July 17
Flight Number: MH17
Flight TWA 800 crashed in the coast of Long Island on July 17, 1996 and being July 17, 2014 is it 18thanniversary.
The plane model is the same as the disappearing flight MH370 followed by the same airline company.

It's very scary to see that this crash had so many coincidences and it's very sad that these innocent passengers lost their lives because of these terrorists. I feel bad for Malaysia and their airline since they have to be fed up with more bullshit while still recovering from the MH370. I wish people can just get along with each other and not sacrifice the innocent.

Actually as far as I know there is no proof that the plane was shot down by Ukrainian separatists although that is what west wants to believe. The only proof so far we have is this video:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhPVMQz1Acw
I'm sorry I couldn't resist :^)It's also worth following events that are going on in Gaza where Israel yet again decided to go on the offense against the Palestinian people.

Spooky shit right here


--- Quote from: Prox on July 18, 2014, 09:15:45 AM ---Actually as far as I know there is no proof that the plane was shot down by Ukrainian separatists although that is what west wants to believe.
--- End quote ---

Only other thing is the post by Igor Strelkov on a Russian facebook version claiming they shot down a military plane which was removed later. Dunno if the account is legit or not but it's something to consider.


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