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ITT: How would you deal with the world's biggest problems today?

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Yellow Killer:
If you had all the power in the world, how would you deal with some of the biggest problems we face in the world? Some examples are:

1. How would you solve world hunger?
2. How would you solve poverty?
3. How would you find peace toward everyone?

Feel free to address more problems and your solutions to it.

>no mention of the jews
good goy

1. Wait until the technology and agriculture reaches sufficient level of development where it could be able to produce enough food. Also slowly start to industrialize the poor countries if possible.

2. Remove corruption. Also slowly start to industrialize the poor countries if possible.

3. Force Israel into one state solution with the Palestinians therefor significantly reducing the tensions in the middle east, no double standards for any country and make the mass media to report all human rights violations in any country instead of ignoring some because they're allies. Also I'd stop the political game between USA/EU and Russia. Combine efforts to fight terrorism.

1. Industrialize and create new jobs and cities in Africa because resources resources resources
2. Keep the money in the flow. Have the billions of dollars the rich have in their banks be used and not be stacked up so we don't have to print more money
3. I got no idea for this so gift baskets and reduce costs of oversea bases

Tiger Guy:
self destruct

1. Tediously destroy geopolitical and social boundaries such that giving resources or aid to countries, responsibly, is a feasible and recurring option. Work on laws, both local and global to prevent abuse. On the topic of GMOs, some say that it's possible to model safe GMOs without 'randomly' splicing genes into organisms just so they can thrive in pesticide; I would both advocate less, or more efficient use of pesticides (dealing with bio-accumulation for example) and warrant any sort of GMO produce to vigorous testing and guidelines as to what can and can't be introduced or bred.

Or, just scrap GMO sales entirely until the science is so fine tuned/cataloged that you can give me a GMO apple that will not potentially give me cancer and/or damage my organs and/or slowly introduce new genes into my body and mutate me.

2. See above. No boundaries, no objective limit (save for feasibility) as to how much one can improve the life of another through goods or services. Or...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
--- Quote ---If we are to progress toward an improved, less crisis-prone, system of
macroeconomic management, we must first understand how our
financial system really works and not how academics would like it to
work. This requires the adoption of the scientific method; we must twist
the theories to fit the facts, not the other way round. Theories, such as
the Efficient Market Hypothesis, which fail to pass this most
fundamental of tests, should be cast unceremoniously aside.

Taken from The Origin of Financial Crises, page 158.
--- End quote ---
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Means of doing so may include:

- Free Market within reason

- Objectively-driven gov't within reason (no true political influence on economy such that things go sideways cuz war/event, causing detriment to source of income or trade)

- "Free" resources and motivation to use these resources

- Surplus of "odd" jobs or amendment of criteria for job positions (and support) such that a homeless person could very well deliver papers or packages or even clean the streets every now and then 4 moniez, or less achievement-driven academic institutions that enable individuals to better value or utilize der skillz...

Memorization is nice, but I figure if someone cannot meaningfully ascribe meaning to information such that the information -means- something to them (blue is blue, like the sky), they may never learn from it (blue is blue, endif blue is red)... kind of like telling someone about vectors without allowing them to visualize the vectors themselves and then allow themselves to apply vectors to anything in their life; they actively create or access the tools for use with the material instead of trying to use a block of wood on a door knob.
Or, downright autarchic means. If total control, amendment of current economy and industry/global trade... change philosophies to possibly work out a true global currency that will replace most, if not all local coin. However, nothing is perfect, and the latter method of "Big Brother" means that certain bits of wealth will have to default to a certain level (no more fancy things until everyone reaches a certain 'wealth' at which living is no longer a trial or hazardous). Also, somewhat unethical. Most likely collapse of society if fails. If anything fails, even.

3. See most of #2.

Or, possibly brute force singularity and then eventually transfer everyone into a simulated reality ("paradise"), while AGI's go around and seed other planets and expand resources for simulation/interact with everything else while we're "away".

Or use #3 for everything cuz robots


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