Yeah, I kinda stopped caring once I saw how ridiculous this SJW preaching is getting.
Not saying this is you, but this is kinda the message you're spreading at

Did I say everything you said was invalid because you used a single fallacy? You just ignored the central point of that post anyway. In that case, I'll restate it:
But why is it necessary and who would care enough to read "oh no this person's oppression" on a vidya game forum. Like, you have tumblr for a reason. Share your beliefs on there instead, instead of preaching it everywhere outside of that thread.
Why is it necessary/who would care enough to read "look at these transfaggot jews" on a video game forum? You have reddit and /pol/ for a reason. Share your beliefs there instead of preaching it everywhere.
Of course, I didn't say that, because we don't even talk about video games on this forum that often anymore. The servers are empty nearly 24/7. It's a ridiculous point to bring up. I'm not even going to bother with the ridiculous spoiler image, since it was you and prox who first complained about bait.