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Not Your Average New Karma System Thread

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--- Quote from: Seb on November 18, 2010, 03:28:19 PM ---Ehh, nah. He's still a detective.

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Oh sorry, replace  the phrase "dillonjhaslive" with "RDMing niggerfaggot". I consider them to be synonyms.


--- Quote from: gamefreak171 on November 18, 2010, 03:45:13 PM ---Oh sorry, replace  the phrase "dillonjhaslive" with "RDMing niggerfaggot". I consider them to be synonyms.

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--- Quote from: Seb on November 18, 2010, 10:04:01 AM ---
Karma loss is halved if your teammate had recently killed another teammate

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--- Quote from: Seb on November 18, 2010, 03:57:13 PM ---

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olol k


--- Quote from: Seb on November 18, 2010, 10:04:01 AM ---Like I've said before...

Innocents/Traitors lose 75 to 350 karma for RDMing an teammate (range depends on victim's karma)
Traitors gain 15 karma for every innocent they kill, no gain for hurting
Innocents gain 5 karma every time they hurt a traitor, gain 15 karma for killing a traitor
Innocents lose 450 karma if RDMing detective REGARDLESS OF DETECTIVE'S KARMA
Innocents/Traitors lose 5 karma every time they hurt a teammate
Innocents gain 50 karma for defusing a C4
Karma loss is halved if your teammate had recently killed another teammate

amirite or amirite?

--- End quote ---

WRONG WRONG WRONG....You lose about 500 karma for killing innocent with 1000 karma.
And you get about 200 karma for hurting and or killing traitor.

ANYWAYS can we up the karma for killing a innocent as traitor. For people who get unlucky and kill an faggot who likes to fake traitor.....then they get traitor and cannot do shit...except 1 knife kill. Which only brings us lik 40 karma? We should get at least 100 karma for each innocent killed.


--- Quote from: Malaka on November 19, 2010, 12:13:29 PM ---WRONG WRONG WRONG....You lose about 500 karma for killing innocent with 1000 karma.
And you get about 200 karma for hurting and or killing traitor.

ANYWAYS can we up the karma for killing a innocent as traitor. For people who get unlucky and kill an faggot who likes to fake traitor.....then they get traitor and cannot do shit...except 1 knife kill. Which only brings us lik 40 karma? We should get at least 100 karma for each innocent killed.

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I'm pretty sure I was suggesting what the new system should be...


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