Promotions (Read Only) > Admin

Application: TehHank [12/31/13]

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I think that TehHank is a pretty solid candidate for admin. He's loyal to the community and I think he is active in-game too. I'm pretty sure he has done his job as a VIP and now he needs to have more power in order to be as efficient as possible even though there hasn't been too much trouble on the servers. I'm pretty sure he has gained our trust by now and I see no reason why I shouldn't support his decision to become an admin.

This Cactus:
I've known TehHank for some time now... and I believe he'd be a great addition to the Administrator Team.

Some points highlighting him best:
~Trustworthy and honest
~Fun to be with

---Over all, a HUGE dick +1 from me


Hank is a good candidate. He is loyal to the forums and has been active for a very long time and still is.
Been a great help to lots of people in the community and people that play on the servers.
He has gained my trust.


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