Promotions (Read Only) > Admin
Application: TehHank [12/31/13]
» Magic «:
--- Quote from: HankWilliams ---TehHank's Admin Application
Name: *****
Nationality: British
Age: 17
In-game name: TehHank
Time Available online: From 14:00pm to 23:00pm most days
Timezone: UK: GMT+0
Servers i play on: Any rNd server, Mainly Trouble in terrorist town, zombie survival and fretta.
Why i want Admin:
What can i say. This community has been my home for the internet ever since i left a previous community. Having first joined this community when i first connected to rNd's former Zombie survival server, there was no other server in which i felt more at home at than at rNd. For 2 years i have simply treated the server as a place to play at until a certain amount of time had passed when a certain former member of this community introduced me to the community website. From then i introduced myself and finally felt at home as the community was strong and developed. Soon i discovered the trouble in terrorist town and fretta server, further increasing my social influence in the community. I became a regular and felt good that i can involve myself in votekick and votebans as such a privilage felt huge to be bestowed upon me.
The rank of VIP for me was seen as a special rank, only the hardest working and loyal community members can recieve. I quite frankly immaturely created a VIP application which to my surprise did not recieve much attention. Realising this, i patiently waited, further making more good good friends in the rNd community and enjoying the quaility game servers, even during the time the servers were shutdown for a period of a daunting 4-5 months, i remained vigilant and played on the temporary servers provided as i felt so committed and attached to the community. But when the servers came back up it was almost like the second coming. I once again applied for VIP, learning from my mistakes and improving my behaviour. As i was granted the seemingly unspeakable VIP rank, i felt confident in myself in able to moderate the servers. and so i did.
Much time has passed and the community has seen recent decline with many regulars gone. I however remain vigilant and stay with this community for the friends i have made and the forever longing for the popularity of our servers once. Recently after fixing the Hybrid server map rotation, using what resources i had as a VIP, i felt really great after doing so along with a the thanks of the almighty coolz, in which inspired me. The reason i want admin is for the sole purpose in which to look out for the server and to hope one day if the servers become well and truly active again, that i will be able to moderate fully and coordinate with fellow admins.
Why i should be Admin:
As i have seen, the community is a very very ethically diverse, with members hailing from all continents (except Antarctica of course), if i were to be admin i would be able to look after the European timezones during the early morning times for the American timezone along with other European Admins such as Prox. rNd has been my home for 2 and a half years and i have seen it grow and decline. It has been always my best interests to help this community, and i have made firm and good choices when kicking, banning and reporting. It pains me when i try to contact an Admin when something bad has happened but he is unavailable to respond, leaving me sometimes unable to to do anything.
I Implore everyone to please read this application and to fully comprehend my reasoning for this application and not to be bias and vote on my behalf not as a friend, but as a moderator.
Thank you all for reading.
- TehHank
--- End quote ---
+Fellow britfag
+plays alot
+would equal more admins around during GMT-0 shizzle
+big pingas ::)
+reliable for info
:thumbsup: :fullheart: :fullheart: :fullheart: :santahat:
Would like to hear from you guise
Yellow Killer:
I've been with TehHank with a long time and he is a person to trust and have fun with. He has the goal of keeping rNd a fun clan and does not have the intention to abuse his powers. He has my vote. :thumbsup:
I've played with TehHank for a long while now and he has always been a trust worthy and honest player with many good qualities. Though I do recall you saying you don't exactly want admin but I'm sure that you don't think so anymore. I think having him as admin would nice.
A definite yes for me. I've played with TehHank for a while and I think he is a suitable admin. He's active when other admins are not; especially in his time zone. :thumbsup:
A +1 from me.
TehHank is someone I could see being an admin, especially because of his demeanor, his timezone, his activity, and because I'd be inclined to believe that he is also resourceful when it comes to problem solving. I think he'd be very capable of keeping the servers active, and enforcing the rules at the same time.
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