How fucking dare anyone out there make fun of Myppl8 after all he has been through!
He lost his aunt, he went through a divorce. He had two fucking kids.
His husband (sabbath) turned out to be a user, a cheater, and now he's going through a custody battle. All you people care about is… readers and making fun of him.
HE’S A HUMAN! What you don’t realize is that Myppl8 is giving you all these lulz and all you do is write a bunch of crap about him.
He hasn’t posted on the forums in weeks. His thread is called “give me more” for a reason because all you people want is MORE! MORE-MORE, MORE: MORE!
LEAVE HIM ALONE! You are lucky he even performed for you BASTARDS!
Perez Hilton talked about professionalism and said if Myppl8 was a professional he would’ve pulled it off no matter what.
Speaking of professionalism, when is it professional to publicly bash someone who is going through a hard time.
Leave myppl8 Alone Please…!
Leave myppl8 Spears alone!…right now!….I mean it!
Anyone that has a problem with him you deal with me, because he's is not well right now.