.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: hey do you have a sharecash.org account
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: ya
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: why
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: can you go download this and give me the downlod link that when i put it in it brings to the open or save tab
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: COD Black Ops Nazi Zombies Mod.rar
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: or leme use your acc for it
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: one file
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: sure you can go on my account
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: yep
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: and thx
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: account name is hot4canada pass is icum4canada
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: ok thx is it premium user
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: yea
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: ok thx tell you if works if not you give me da link ok
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: k
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: k hold on
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: didnt work so heres the link themn give me the link so i see the open and save tab thing
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:
http://filesmy.com/index.php?q=0h56b3&error=214/F/Canada Looking for sex.: sorry not right now
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: a litle busy
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: Brazzers
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: rlly quick plz
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: im busy on Brazzers
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: PLZ ive been trying this all day ;_;
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: and ive been on Brazzers all day, and i plan on finishing
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: ok
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: plz do it quick
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: i am
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: and remeber the link that shows me the tab for save or open
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: ok ill stay on chat tell me when you back
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: btw you know what Brazzers is right?
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: no
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: wat is it
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: here
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.:
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: ok
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: o a sex page lol porn watchin XD
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: D:
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: D:
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: :
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: D:
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: D:
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: :
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: D:
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: D:D
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: ya
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: want to join?
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: you wana have sex with a girl
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: no im gay
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: :
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: D:
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: D:
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: D:
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: D:
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: D:
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: :
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: D:
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: D:
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: :
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: D:
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: D:
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: :XD
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: ok remember tab link and heres the link
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:
http://filesmy.com/index.php?q=0h56b3&error=214/F/Canada Looking for sex.: btw im not actually gay lol
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: im into guys though
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: lol
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: >im a girl
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: lol
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: O_O
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: >.>
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: what
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: <.<
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: ?
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: im a guy
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: k
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: do you want to webcam together?
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: nah btw
im 12 LOL
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: oh
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: nvm
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: wish i could thoug you must have nice tits
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: ya
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: :
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: D:
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: D:
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: :
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: D:
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: D:
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: wish you could see
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: you i will leme go to your webcam thing but i dont have webcam
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: so wats you profile link
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: k
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: hold on
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: maybe we can secretly internet date
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: maybe
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: so wat is it
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: the link
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: hold on im trying to get my webcam tow ork
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: ok
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: first tits then pussy hope your not afraid
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: k
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: my webcam isnt working :l
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:

.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: awww
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: sorry :/
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: ill tell you if i get it working
14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: back to Brazzers
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: ok
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: remeber heres the link
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:
http://filesmy.com/index.php?q=0h56b3&error=214/F/Canada Looking for sex.: k
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:
why isnt it working.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:
maybe i can help14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: idk it just wont work
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:
im smart at cpus14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: no video
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:
is it off14/F/Canada Looking for sex.: no
.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8:
hmm.:~RND`=- DJ myppl8: