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The Myppl8 Thread!

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>every thread
Since I have college starting early tomorrow, I can't provide you with proof of your spamming, but I will do so tomorrow, if I find the time to do so.

Cake Faice:
Before reading past teh 2nd page I waz liek:

Meh. Idc.

And den i waz all liek



--- Quote from: jman15234 on September 16, 2010, 02:24:56 PM ---
I am none of those things, but thanks for your opinion even though i did nothing to you either. i don't spam. i don't troll. also, i don't know why you turn every thread where i make nothing directed at you into a "jman is the worst person alive and everyone hates his guts thread". Chill out I did nothing wrong here.

--- End quote ---

wow your a fail trole just go away

i am not a troll... also, can you please show me how me responding in an open thread is considered spamming. its not like i just go on a random thread and just reply "a". Whatever "proof" you can provide of me spamming may be spammy in some way or form, but i am clearly not the worst or even clost to it. I am sorry you and gamefreak have such a problem with me. All i know as i did not ask for proof, as i just want this to end. I did nothing to you. You did nothing to me. Can we drop it or at least not spam this thread because it is irrelavent. if u want make another thread or pm. I would prefer again just to drop it, but if it's too hard for you to do that, so be it.

/edit at least i can spell troll?

Cake Faice:

--- Quote from: jman15234 on September 16, 2010, 04:38:51 PM ---i am not a troll...

/edit at least i can spell troll?

--- End quote ---

That little moto under your gender icon lies.  :))


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