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The Myppl8 Thread!

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ya i could. i could say fuck you asshole i did nothing to you untill you got the picture...



--- Quote from: Frank on September 16, 2010, 12:40:46 PM ---^wat

--- End quote ---

>ya i could. i could say fuck you asshole i did nothing to you untill you got the picture...
>i could say fuck you asshole i did nothing to you
>i did nothing

I never did anything to gamefreak. So, I was wondering why he was insulting me.

Because you're an incredibly annoying, spamming troll.
Answer enough?


--- Quote from: Don on September 16, 2010, 02:21:39 PM ---Because you're an incredibly annoying, spamming troll.
Answer enough?

--- End quote ---

I am none of those things, but thanks for your opinion even though i did nothing to you either. i don't spam. i don't troll. also, i don't know why you turn every thread where i make nothing directed at you into a "jman is the worst person alive and everyone hates his guts thread". Chill out I did nothing wrong here.


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