gamefreak171's regular application
Because I've lost control of my life
IRL name:Julian
DOB:June 19, 1996
Where to contact me:You can email at (I check it daily) and if you must, I'm on facebook at I also have a Yahoo! Messenger account (gamefreak171) that I use through Trillian.
Servers I play on:TTT, sometimes ZS or wirebuild
Time zone:-8:00 Pacific Standard Time
Time on server:I've been playing consistently on the servers for about 3 months, and was respected for about 2
2 months until the system reset.
Education/experience:As of now, I'm in honors 9th grade classes and taking 10th grade Algebra 2.
In GMod, I have somewhat thorough but unused experience with E2 (As well as some precision building experience from when I used to play sandbox). I'm currently taking a Visual Basic class, since I've wanted to get into learning that sort of stuff but never had the motivation.