.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

I'm still alive. Just broken.

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Monorail Cat:
I think everyone needs to just chill.  Stop arguing here, find somewhere else.  He is feeling bad, don't turn it into an even bigger problem...

Mono's got a point, and anyway i said what i feel was right, so lets stop arguing over who's right and who's not.

There's been some misunderstandings in this thread but people need to realise that Hapless never came here to seek help about his problem, although i'm sure he appreciates the positive and helpful comments. But he came here to say why he hasn't been active and I think you need to stop bugging him about how he came on to a gaming forum to try and get advice on how to fix his problems, because it's not true.

Honestly I'm surprised with some of you people, if it was someone more known who posted the exact same thread there would only be comments on how they're sorry and should cheer up, etc...
Yet because someone less known like Hapless posted the thread you turn on him saying stuff like "I don't think we needed to hear all that" then proceed to argue with eachother again.

I think an admin should just seperate all the arguing posts including this one into another thread and let them keep arguing there.


--- Quote from: ٶȻhriʂ on September 28, 2013, 05:26:09 AM ---There's been some misunderstandings in this thread but people need to realise that Hapless never came here to seek help about his problem, although i'm sure he appreciates the positive and helpful comments. But he came here to say why he hasn't been active and I think you need to stop bugging him about how he came on to a gaming forum to try and get advice on how to fix his problems, because it's not true.

Honestly I'm surprised with some of you people, if it was someone more known who posted the exact same thread there would only be comments on how they're sorry and should cheer up, etc...
Yet because someone less known like Hapless posted the thread you turn on him saying stuff like "I don't think we needed to hear all that" then proceed to argue with eachother again.

I think an admin should just seperate all the arguing posts including this one into another thread and let them keep arguing there.

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--- Quote from: ٶȻhriʂ on September 28, 2013, 05:26:09 AM ---There's been some misunderstandings in this thread but people need to realise that Hapless never came here to seek help about his problem, although i'm sure he appreciates the positive and helpful comments. But he came here to say why he hasn't been active and I think you need to stop bugging him about how he came on to a gaming forum to try and get advice on how to fix his problems, because it's not true.

Honestly I'm surprised with some of you people, if it was someone more known who posted the exact same thread there would only be comments on how they're sorry and should cheer up, etc...
Yet because someone less known like Hapless posted the thread you turn on him saying stuff like "I don't think we needed to hear all that" then proceed to argue with eachother again.

I think an admin should just seperate all the arguing posts including this one into another thread and let them keep arguing there.

--- End quote ---
With no offense intended I'll have to disagree that the thread was created solely to inform people of inactivity being around the fifth thread like this without exaggeration.
I'm just going to leave whatever slightly off topic posts there may be here for now though unless people start up again.

dont debate weed unless its related to the topic
dont suggest anyone should be keeping their personal problems to themselves, the thread's directed to the forum in general not you, you can ignore it
dont post sarcastic passive aggressive one lined posts which clearly aren't intended to have any sort of positive contribution

kthx continue
mcdreary if you want the posts removed you can pm me and ill remove them


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