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VIPTalk, in chat command?

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--- Quote from: TehHank on September 17, 2013, 05:54:30 AM ---/scare_people_with_big_scary_white_text

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mfw derailing


--- Quote from: Apie2 on September 17, 2013, 06:33:25 AM ---/dont_drop_the_soap

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Also i find this much better than the damn console one :/


--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on September 16, 2013, 05:31:23 PM ---Maybe /vtalk?

--- End quote ---

I'm in favor of this. Though honestly !viptalk  /viptalk would be fine as well. I'm not really bothered by using the console, though I guess it would make things quickerish.

So /a and /v would be nice but I think /vip makes the most sense, and isn't very long.

This should be on the servers within a few hours.


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