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Obama decides to strike Syria but seeks congressional approval

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This is a global clusterfuck D:
Russia and China leave the UN security council...
So 3 of the worlds supernations are at each others troaths ....

This definitely looks like pre-WWIII. Both World Wars started by chains of offence because of allies being attacked. X attacks Y. Z is a friend of Y and decides to attack X. C, who is an ally to X, retaliates against Z. Then B joins C in the attacks to Z. Blah blah blah


--- Quote from: Frank on September 01, 2013, 10:39:55 AM ---This definitely looks like pre-WWIII. Both World Wars started by chains of offencem because of allies being attacked. X attacks Y. Z is a friend of Y and decides to attack X. C, who is an ally to X, retaliates against Z. Then B joins C in the attacks to Z. Blah blah blah

--- End quote ---

Like a said, global clusterfuck in the making...
My money is on russia

Muh wars for freedum and democracy

Meanwhile in Syria http://rt.com/news/syria-activists-us-bombing-380/

Even if this doesn't escalate into WW3, it's going to be expensive. Very expensive.

As of now, Obama doesn't sound like he has a plan. Or if he does, it sounds like "We'll throw a few missiles at them and hope they back down". You can't just shoot at another country without some serious backlash. And that backlash is going to be war. And war costs a lot.

Just 1 Tomahawk cruise missile costs just under a million and a half.


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