Extracted - SXSW 2012 Accepted FilmI thought it was a good concept, just remembered about it while talking to some people. Some parts of the ending felt a bit sporadic, but hey:
The guy was dying, after all. Though, the ending was a bit flat in regard to Thomas' character because they resolved the main problem: He was trapped in another man's memories for about 4 years.
Yay, he's back... but now Anthony is dead and still written down as a murderer, and his jerkass friend got away with it. Though, he did shoot that one other guy after learning about what happened.
Then again, they did get to resolving Anthony's innocence... though it kind of seemed moot because he's dead and, well, Thomas didn't really go and tell the corrupt detective that Anthony was framed. That information kind of... dies with Thomas instead.
I still feel like it was really well done.
What do you guys think?