Hello! .:~RND`=- Scrabblebat here. Also know as Scrabblebats if your looking for my steam name
My Steam ID is: STEAM_0:0:35925319
Erebus (See post below mine with similar title) and i both started playing on your wonderful server about the same time.
My name back then was .:~RND`=- Shadow. I'm not sure if any of you remember me.
I especially remember Sabbath and his teaching of holograms!

Some people i remember are... Nailcannon, Tomcat, Cloud, Sniffles, Minic, Moo, and of course Coolzeldad!
I have some experience in building and wire. I probably have some models in Advance duplicator, unless it was cleared.
But i have heard from xTastic that its all still there. I sure hope so!
But..yeah ill get to the point. It seems now you guys have a system that works like this: Guest-Regular-Respected.
Sounds like a great idea!
Many tools are blocked for guests..soo i would like to gain regular status

Thanks, and i hope to see you guys in game!