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Votemute Ability for VIPs
Cake Faice:
--- Quote from: Blueboygamer on October 31, 2010, 12:31:15 PM ---What with the arguments?!?! It's not too difficult to decide on something simple like this. I say votemute is unnecessary, as it mutes for everyone rather than individuals.
End of story.
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Since you didnt read the thread, i'll describe this on your level:
--- Quote from: Cake Faic on October 31, 2010, 12:39:29 PM ---Since you didnt read the thread, i'll describe this on your level:
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Some people may like the music and don't want it muted, unless it's Justin Bieber.
Cake Faice:
--- Quote from: Blueboygamer on October 31, 2010, 12:54:45 PM --->:(
Some people may like the music and don't want it muted, unless it's Justin Bieber.
--- End quote ---
Then that's why we have a wonderful invention called "The Internet". Lern2WMP/iTunes.
I wouldn't consider playing music with HLDJ Mic-spamming, unless they play like at ultra high volume that makes you deaf or something.
That's why HLDJ was made; to play music so everybody can hear it and to enjoy it [unless...yea].
PS-Sorry Shawn if I just restated what you just said ><
Hai guise, I's come to save all your asses.
Scratch this shitty idea. We already have a way to mute people's microphones. What would really come in handy would be a chat mute.
Aah, you never thought about that eh! Always thinking about "halp halp micspammer!", that's why you have the bloody player list. But the only way to prevent people from flooding the chat, is the server way. But people can still talk a lot without necessarily flooding.
THAT is where the votemute comes in. It may not shut his microphone, but it will sure prevent him from writing. And a good thing would also be to make TWO different votemutes, e.g. votemute1 mutes the subject for 5 minutes, whereas votemute2 mutes it for 1 hour.
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