Support (Read Only) > Suggestions

Votemute Ability for VIPs

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How about no?

I like having conversations with people when others listening just tell us to STFU... and those people would mute me or the person I'm talking to... Which would suck since I wouldn't be able to finish my convo...

ESC - Player List - Mute


Cake Faice:

--- Quote from: Shawn on October 30, 2010, 10:59:08 PM ---How about no?

I like having conversations with people when others listening just tell us to STFU... and those people would mute me or the person I'm talking to... Which would suck since I wouldn't be able to finish my convo...

ESC - Player List - Mute


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There's a difference between delightful conversations and ear-raping someone with a horrible, shitty quality techno/parry gripp song.


--- Quote from: Cake Faic on October 30, 2010, 11:12:34 PM ---There's a difference between delightful conversations and ear-raping someone with a horrible, shitty quality techno/parry gripp song.

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LMAO you really give the players to much credit....


--- Quote from: Seb on October 30, 2010, 09:10:43 PM ---So far, the votes say yes.

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So far, no one that says yes has brought a single valid argument of why it should be implemented.


--- Quote from: Don on October 31, 2010, 05:04:08 AM ---So far, no one that says yes has brought a single valid argument of why it should be implemented.

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