Hey im RND`=- Dark. Also known as my username erebus486.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:25916304
I'm applying for the rank of regular which i guess is a middle grounds between VIP or somewhere lower than what used to be respected.
The forums must have gotten cleared in a move or something considering my account is gone.... Anyway I played the wire server constantly
back about a year ago. I took a year long break when school got hectic. Don't know whose still around or who remembers me.
Anyway i decided to spend the money this time and buy it instead of my old patching ways.
I'm a dedicated player and have many creations still saved to my adv dupe. Shout-out to anyone whose still here. Tomcat i know i saw
today in the server. Not sure about Email or minic ( Minic youve been off for like 246 days wth?). Sabbathfreak if your still around i still got the holograms you spent forever teaching me.
Well guess ill see you guys in-game
